

My name is Lynne.  I am from South Africa and live on the East Coast of Natal.

I am married and have two daughters.  I also am a mom to three dogs and four cats.  All of which are rescues, have their very own unique personalities and make our family complete.

Keeping fit and eating healthily is very important to me even though I like to indulge a bit every now and then…nothing is better than a decadent dessert after a good meal.

I do have a crazy theory that if I eat healthily all week and exercise, then come the weekend, I can allow myself not to feel too guilty should I eat something ‘not too good’ 🙂

I am a firm believer in fresh fruit and vegetables.  I love a home cooked meal full of goodness and nutrition.  I prefer to make my own condiments and avoid preservatives, artificial flavours and colourants as best I can.

I think being passionate about food stems from my childhood.  My mom loved to cook and bake. Her kitchen was her haven.  I have fond memories growing up and helping my mom in the kitchen. Whether it was greasing the baking trays or top and tailing the beans for dinner, these were special times for me.

In my blog I am going to share some really amazing recipes with you. Basically they will be what we will be eating.  Some will be from my childhood days from my mom, family and friends.  These recipes she had put together in a book, some written in her own handwriting and some pinned or stapled to the necessary pages of her book.  Some recipes are so old and discoloured, I have no idea where they originally came from.

I will also share some of my personal finds from newspapers, cookbooks and magazines which I have put together over the years in a file.

Enjoy 🙂

55 thoughts on “About

    • Hello Anna, thank you for your kind words. I am pleased you are enjoying my blog. Thank you for all the ‘likes’ on my posts which has led me to your lovely blog. I am still going through it, and am loving what I see. Take Care.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Hunter, thank you so much. I really appreciate your kind words. I am so pleased I am following your blog, you have some beautiful recipes which I have either pinned or saved in my recipe file. Have a lovely week 🙂


    • Antonia, it is lovely to meet you. I am so pleased we feel the same about food and health. Thank you so much for all the ‘likes’ :-). I am looking forward to seeing your site, and I know I am going to love it. Happy 2016 🙂


  1. Greetings Lynne from sunny Florida-USA. I have found you via Lynz real cooking! I would like to invite you to check out a fairly new web site I started for worldwide Food Bloggers. An easy concept linking directly to your Blog. We’d love to have you join us! https://wegrazetogether.wordpress.com or you can thread through my main web site https:/clwiser.wordpress.com to the “Participating Food Blogs” -Post. Very nice to meet you! You may see some Bloggers listed you know! Happy New Year! Cheryl


    • Hi, thank you. You are so kind. I appreciate you taking time to read some posts, I hope you enjoy. I am so behind with my blog reading, so please forgive me…it is though I need more hours in my day 🙂 Enjoy the rest of the weekend and take care 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You have a lovely blog Lynne! I am so glad Lynn did a post on you and I got to chance to look at your blog. There are so many recipes that i would like to try from your blog! 🙂


    • Hi there. So lovely to meet you :-). Thank you so much for all your kind words, and for the follow. I am so pleased that you have found recipes that you would like to try. I hope you enjoy them. I hope you have a great week, and take care. 🙂


  3. Hi Lynne – I just popped over to your blog and was excited to see that you are from South Africa! I spent about three months in Durban when I studied abroad in college (around 2004). I fell in love with the country, the people the food, the geography, and everything else. Hope all is well!! –Deb

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Deb, that is awesome !!! Where in Durban did you stay? South Africa is truly a beautiful country. This is so exciting, I am so pleased you told me. All is good my side, thank. Hope you are well. x
      (Sorry for late reply, I am so behind in all my blog reading, I just don’t have enough time in a day, and to top it all, I have been experiencing internet connectivity problems here at home…haha, I probably need a new computer.


  4. Hello Lynne , Turtle here 😉
    I can’t cook , or can barely scrape something together , but you got me following you after reading your approach to eating , and your gluten free lasagna and pizza recipes 🙂 . Maybe , just maybe you will entice me into the kitchen 😉 and perhaps I could make you more comfortable swimming in the sea 😉
    Thanks for visiting me and for the follow
    Turtle Hugs


  5. Hi lynne, I’m new to the blogging world so thought i would discover what else is out there. just discovered your blog and love it! looks like you’ve got some great recipes and i cant wait to try some out. defiantly feeling inspired


  6. Hi Lynne, I found your blog through a post on Terry (Spearfruit’s) blog. Whenever an opportunity presents itself to meet new bloggers I do my best to stop by and check out the site. I look forward to reading your posts. Have a great day!! Steph


  7. Pingback: Quote Challenge – Day 3 – Music Teacher Lifestyle

  8. Hello Lynne. Just dropped over to your About page to say that your recipes are just the best. Easy to follow, and the ingredients easily available. Enjoy your website very much. Thank you. 🐞

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Nice to meet you, I appreciate your visiting on my blog page. I am very eager to start reading some of your post. I think your blog will come handy for myself since I have the exercise part down to a “tee” but I have a conflict with food at times. I enjoy cooking as well and for the most part I do strive to eat healthy 8/10 times. I love exploring but I am picking sometimes when it comes to certain veggies and/or fruits. I suppose I judge a book by its cover when I choose foods; but I am learning to take small steps outside of my comfort level (choosing veggies and fruits that I have yet to try) and it has turned out to be relatively easy but sometimes.. I just run back to what I know and love when all else fails. I have already looked at a few recipes and they seemed very nice, so I am looking forward to reading more. If anything, this may just be my way of getting ideas and experimenting with new things and will make me more creative with substituting when I feel it is necessary. Have a wonderful day!



    • Hi Shay-lon ( I love your name 🙂 by the way, really pretty) Thanks so much for visiting my blog, I really appreciate you taking the time. I hope that you do find a few things that you like. I love experimenting with foods, and I love the healthy approach, although I do make ‘the not so good things’ sometimes. I believe it is all about balance and even portion control. I hear what you say about ‘small steps’ and there is nothing wrong with that, so long as you enjoy and have fun, that is how we learn what we like and what we don’t. I am really pleased we have connected Shay-lon. Have a wonderful day too 🙂 x

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Hey Lynne! Just came across your blog today and your pictures are stunning. I’m quite new to the food blog world and I was wondering what camera you’re using and also if you have any other photography tips for me.


    • Hey Ro, so nice to meet you. Thank you so much for the compliment, I am truly grateful. Believe it or not, I just use my old iphone 4 !!! Photography is quite a challenge for me, as I don’t have any fancy equipment, but try and find the right light. I know that is easier said than done. I never do photo’s on a dull day. I take loads of photo’s from all angles as well, and then once put on my computer, see which ones turned out the best. Sorry, I am not much help, but I too, am pretty much an amateur with this. Hope you have a happy day. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi, Lynne. Just found you via RoughSeas blog. I lived in Umhlanga for fifteen years and started to gradually move over to Florida five years ago. I still miss the Indian Ocean, but manage to go back at least once a year. Your recipes look healthy and enticing, and I will definitely be following you. Sylvia. 🙂


    • Hi Sylvia, lovely to meet you and thank you so much for following me. I am excited to pop over to your blog and visit 🙂 . Umhlanga is literally a stones throw away from where I am. Gosh, even in fifteen years there have been some changes there, but nothing too drastic, just massive tall buildings! Nice that you get to visit …I think I would miss this place too. 🙂 My brother lives in Connecticut, he has been there for close on 15 years, and he tells me often, there is no place like home. There definitely is something special about this place. Have a beautiful day. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi Lynne,

    Did you comment on my interview with discovermarche?
    If you did, would you be interested in reading and reviewing my book?
    I can always use extra reviews as a self-published author.
    Hope to hear from you,


    • Hi Stef, Gosh so sorry for the late response. I am terribly behind in my blog reading. Thank you for thinking of me, with regards to your book. I am however, totally inexperienced in the field of reviewing a book. I will graciously decline at this time as I have so much going on at the moment, and I don’t think it would be fair for you to wait on me. Thank you once again. Hopefully soon, things will lighten up and I will have more time on my hands. I do wish you all the best though, I truly do. I am sure your book is great !


    • Hi Ellanor, welcome and lovely to meet you too. I am so pleased you found my blog, thank you ! I look forward to popping over to yours 🙂 I bet it is going to be amazing. Have a lovely day. x


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